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News, Δελτία Τύπου
08th February 2021

Second press release PAL Women!
Boosting Female Social Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Creation for Inclusion Groups 2019-1-CZ01-KA204-061118
Pal Women is a co-funded project by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union with partners from the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, and Greece with the aim to empower disadvantaged women integration, improve their basic competencies in terms of social entrepreneurship and marketing and enhance their access to training and qualifications through promoting work-place learning and mentoring.
Intellectual Output 2. Learning curricula for the training of mediators of change: Become Social Entrepreneurship leaders
Training for trainers activity was successfully completed in the first days of February. Each partner involved at least three experts as participants in the Masterclasses on the PAL Women project website, to improve their knowledge on matters as business start-up and marketing strategies.
Two Masterclasses were implemented with training contents created by all the partners, Masterclass A (How to start your social entrepreneurship) and Masterclass B (Marketing: the door of success), each structured in five teaching modules, and each module addressing different topics (such as self-esteem and stress management, start-up e funding tools, digital marketing, crowdfunding, etc.).
More than 20 experts from 7 different countries took part in the activities, over a three-week period, in a non-formal, stimulating, and fair virtual environment, where each expert could contribute with his/her own educational contribution. The main aim of Output is to provide these trainers/experts with theoretical and practical tools to help women to start their own business by transferring them a knowledge framework.
Participants opinion
Project partner organizations got feedback by participants, with a high rate of satisfaction and involvement. Some feedbacks. Magda R., from Greece: “I am really satisfied with attending these seminars because they filled many different gaps of mine. It was especially important for me to be informed about digital marketing, website development and how to get access to funds”. Alejandra M., from Spain: “I find the courses very interesting. Most of the speakers have good timing in their presentations”. Anastasia S., from Greece: “Given that women from disadvantaged groups have to be treated by the trainer with a particular sensitivity and empathy, these seminars I attended were very instructive and important to me”. Flavia, from Italy: “The presentations were very interesting and meaningful, speakers were very diverse and so were the perspectives they brought up in their speech. I appreciated when speakers managed to draw links among different presentations and when attendees made questions and shared their opinion on the topic presented”. Edoardo, from Italy: “I really enjoyed PAL’s presentations. Speakers did not just read the slides but presented the topics by adding information and reflections on the topic”.
Next steps…
We are ready to start training and supporting activities to the target group provided in the Intellectual Output 4 (Mentoring in Social Entrepreneurship: PALTalks): trainers will support the female entrepreneurs by a strong mentoring activity, over a 6 months period. At least 40 women will benefit from a consulting and supporting service provided by qualified experts. This activity will be open to all the women and you can find more information in project’s official website http://www.palwomen.eu.