Mentoring Program

The Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs, as a nationally recognized organization of professional development services, inspired and implements the mentoring program 1 – to – 1 for all women.Specifically, the program is for women who wish to take their next professional step and need training and guidance, having an established “ally” by their side. Moreover, women with years of experience and expertise will be able to share their knowledge, developing their own skills, while being compensated for their time

The mentoring program is designed for women of any age who wish to develop professionally in the business world and constitutes the establishment of a new partnership between experienced professionals and less experienced entrepreneurs. Through their collaboration they will develop a relationship of sharing experiences, information and practical advice, always within a supportive framework.


We encourage you to become a mentee if:

👉 you want to improve your business and social skills.

👉 you want to make better decisions and gain new perspectives for development.

👉 you want to enhance your self-awareness and confidence.

👉 you want to identify potential areas of growth and expansion of your personal network of contacts.

You can become a mentor if:

👉 you are an experienced professional and want to contribute in an environment where your time is valued and rewarded.

👉 you are genuinely keen to inspire more women with your knowledge and experiences.

👉 You help women understand their strengths and interests.

👉 you are willing to dedicate your time and energy.

The aim of the programme is to allow participants, whether they have the role of mentee or mentor, to have the opportunity to be empowered, to develop their horizons and to discover new areas of professional and personal development.


The selection of the mentor will be made by the mentee, through the self-presentation videos of the mentors. The meetings will be held face-to-face or remotely (via email, phone, online), according to the preferences and availability of each mentor and each mentee.

The aim of the program is for the participants, whether they have the role of mentee or mentor, to have the opportunity to empower themselves, develop their horizons and discover new areas of professional and personal development.

Mentoring guide

Meet the Mentors of the 1st Mentoring cycle here: